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【慈幼通訊社 2019 09 11 梵蒂岡訊】 ─ 聖座設立了東帝汶帝力教省,並提升此教區為地區教會,涵蓋包考(Baucau) 的教區及馬利亞納(Maliana) 的教省隸屬堂區。教宗方濟各委任現任帝力主教,慈幼會士達席爾瓦蒙席,為該總教區首任總主教。



Mgr. Do Carmo da Silva,SDB, nominated first archbishop of Díli


(ANS VaticanVatican City , 11 September 2019) – The Holy Father erected the Ecclesiastical Province of Díli, in East Timor, raising the diocese in word to Metropolitan Church; they will have the Dioceses of Baucau and Maliana as suffragan churches. As the first metropolitan archbishop, Pope Francis appointed Mgr. Virgílio do Carmo da Silva, SDB, current Bishop of Díli.

The Diocese of Díli occupies the central part of East Timor. It covers 4,775 square kilometers, and is divided into 5 Districts. The Catholics are 630,176, out of 667,331 inhabitants (94.4%), served in 30 parishes. There are 149 priests (63 diocesan and 86 religious). 132 brothers and 432 sisters also participate in the pastoral care. The major seminarians are 98. The Diocese also uses the service of numerous catechists.