GC28 – A good chance to return to our home at Valdocco 總會長邀請眾人走向順服、忠信與希望!(AustraLasia)



【慈幼通訊社 2020 02 16 28屆全代會都靈華道角訊】 ─ 經過數小時(歐洲)或數天(薩摩亞)的旅程,來自世界各地的222位,出席第28屆慈幼會全體代表大會的代表(GC28),大部份已抵達華道角。東亞澳小組則未完全到達,尚有兩名成員在路途中。GC28首天(216日,主日)的慶典,在家庭款待精神中進行,讓大家彼此認識(222位代表之中,大部份是首次參與!)你好嗎?你來自哪裡?你叫什麼名字?薩摩亞和喀麥隆在哪裡?





註:為其他13,800位世界各地的會士,他們可透過慈幼通訊社臉書,跟隨大會的流程。慈幼通訊社Flicker之中,也每天上載高質素的相片(由慈幼會Hilario Seo修士拍攝)。你們也可透過慈幼通訊社臉書串流,收看開幕感恩祭。



Rector Major invites all to docility, fidelity and hope!


By our own correspondent

(ANS GC28Valdocco, Turin, 16 February 2020) – Travelling for hours (Europe) or days (Samoa!) from all parts of the world, most of the 222 Delegates of the GC28 General Chapter are already at Valdocco. The EAO group is still not yet complete, waiting for the two last members. The first day of the GC28(Sunday, February 16) was celebrated in the family spirit of welcoming, getting to know one another (the majority of the 222 delegates are participating for the first time!). How are you? Where are you from? What is your name? And where is Samoa or where is Cameroon?

For the first time the new refectory just inaugurated in the basement of the Mary Help of Christian Basilica is filled with delegates, the first time the Valdocco Theatre (the venue of the GC28 Assembly) was tested with the presentation of the various digital platforms and tools and the first time the Eucharist was celebrated all together in the Basilica.

In the opening Eucharist homily the Rector Major, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime welcomed everyone: “My dear confreres! We have greeted each other earlier and I have welcomed everyone to Valdocco! Now I am doing so here, in this holy Salesian place which is the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians. So, welcome to Valdocco and to this Basilica where our Father so often prayed with his boys. Welcome to Valdocco, where the Holy Spirit has made the Salesian spirit flourish and mature in Don Bosco for the good of the Church. Welcome to Valdocco, where we were all born as Salesians!” And his homily was also concluded with an invitation “…to docility to the Holy Spirit, to creative fidelity to the Salesian path and to the hope in contemplating our future in the light of faith.”

In order to make the whole General Chapter community work well, there are a large number of helpers available – both among delegates and many specialised individuals (translators, three social communication entitys staff, secretariat). And probably the most visible is the great care of the Valdocco community Salesians who have been preparing for this day for the last two years.

Welcome to Valdocco, Welcome back home, Welcome to your house!

NB: For the other 13,800 confreres around the world, there is the opportunity to follow the General Chapter on the ANS news agency website and Facebook pages. Also the wonderful quality photos (taken by Br. Hilario Seo) are available everyday on ANS-Flicker. You may also access the opening Mass on ANS Facebook streaming.

NB:The two days to follow are dedicated to the Report of the Rector Major and his council on the state of the Congregation (17-1 8Feb ). The EAO region section is on the agenda in the afternoon hours of 18 February (30 minutes).



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Celebrazione Eucaristica di inizio Capitolo generale 28