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【慈幼通訊社 ─ 2020 年 02月 20 日意大利都靈訊】 ─ 要把第28屆慈幼會全會代表大會的內容及精神,帶給所有世界各地的慈幼會會院,沒有比讓所有會士前來華道角更好,但至少也讓他們能在網上參與。因此,在考慮到各方的回饋後,慈幼通訊社臉書現場直播項目將以倍數增加:就在今天(2月20日)晚上7時(UTC時間快一小時),便可收聽到聖人列品案慈幼會代理人Pierluigi Cameron神父的「祝夜安」;而在2月22日星期六舉行的感恩祭及大會官方開幕儀式,也將會作現場直播。


於早上8時(UTC時間快一小時),在聖母進教之佑大殿舉行的開幕感恩祭,將會以原來的語言作現場直播。隨後,在華道角大劇院(Teatro Grande)舉行的官方開幕儀式,將透過四種語言作現場直播(意大利語、英語、西班牙語及葡萄牙語)。

預期眾多民間及宗教官方代表,將出席這個莊嚴的典禮:都靈市長Chiara Appendino已被邀請出席,其他包括聖座奉獻生活及使徒團體部部長阿維斯樞機、眾多慈幼會的樞機及主教:馬拉迪亞加樞機、貝托樞機及埃扎蒂樞機、達爾科沃洛主教、尹陸賢主教、馬里奧.圖素主教、克爾維齊基主教、皮安納主教、史通符主教、文迪斯蒙席、尹善奎蒙席、史華哲主教等。

– 母佑會總會長溫幗儀修母;
– 慈幼協進會全球總會幹事Antonio Boccia;
– 聖母進教之佑善會都靈華道角總會主席華呢拿先生;
– 鮑思高女志願會、男志願會兩位全球負責人;
– 慈幼會舊同學會國際總會會長Michael Hort及母佑會舊同學會全球主席Maria Maghini;
– 復活主的見證者總協調人Dina Moscioni;
– 鮑思高福傳團體總監Guido Pedroni執事;
– 門徒俗世會創會人暨長上,慈幼會士Joe D’Souza神父;
– 新歌之友團體創辦人暨長上,慈幼會士Jonas Abib神父;
– 耶穌仁愛修女會總會長Teresia Furuki Ryoko修母;
– 聖家女使徒副總會長Luigina Bellomo修女;以及其他團體的代表。

感恩祭及致候禮結束後,總會長范達民神父,將發表開幕辭,之後由大會監督華諾禮神父(Fr. Stefano Vanoli),宣佈第28屆全代會正式開幕。



GC28: increased ANS live broadcasts. Mass and Chapter’s official opening session on Facebook, Saturday

(ANS – Italy–Turin, 20 February 2020) – To bring the contents and spirit of the 28th General Chapter of the Salesian Congregation to all the Salesian houses across the globe, there is nothing better than making it possible for everyone to access Valdocco, at least online. For this reason, also considering the popular results obtained, the live broadcasts on ANS Facebook page have multiplied: already tonight, 20 February, at 7 PM (UTC+1) it will be possible to listen to the Salesian “Good Night” of the Postulator General of the Causes of Saints of the Salesian Family, Fr Pierluigi Cameroni; while on Saturday 22, the Mass and the official opening session of the GC28 will be broadcast.

After this first preparatory week to Chapter work, with the presentation of the reports of the General Council on the six-year term just ended and the introduction to the three thematic groups, next Saturday the GC28 will fully enter into the heart of the matter.

The opening Mass, in the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians, will be broadcast live in the original language at 8:00 am (UTC + 1). Subsequently, the official opening session will be broadcast from the Teatro Grande di Valdocco with the live broadcast available in four language channels (Italian, English, Spanish and Portuguese).

Numerous civil and religious authorities are expected to attend the solemn ceremony: the mayor of the city of Turin, Chiara Appendino, was invited; the archbishop of Turin, Msgr. Cesare Nosiglia; Cardinal João Braz de Aviz, Prefect of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life; numerous Salesian cardinals and prelates: Cardinals Óscar Andrés Rodríguez Maradiaga, Tarcisio Bertone and Ricardo Ezzati; Monsignors Enrico dal Covolo, Adrianus van Luyn, Mario Toso, Vitaliy Krivitskiy, Calogero La Piana, Peter Štumpf, Joaquim da Silva Mendes, Luc Van Looy, Ludwig Schwarz, and others.

The participation by the Superiors Major and Directors of the Salesian Family will also be very large and of great importance. In fact, there will be:

– Mother Yvonne Reungoat, Mother General of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians;
– Antonio Boccia, World Coordinator of the Salesian Cooperators;
– Renato Valera, President of the Association of Mary Help of Christians (ADMA) Primary;
– the World Heads of Don Bosco Volunteers and Volunteers with Don Bosco;
– the Presidents of the Confederations of the SDB and FMA Past Pupils, Michal Hort and Maria Maghini respectively;
– Dina Moscioni, General Coordinator of the Witnesses of the Risen One;
– Mother Graziella Benghini, General Superior of the Salesian Oblates of the Sacred Heart;
– deacon Guido Pedroni, General Custodian of the Community of the Mission of Don Bosco;
– Fr Joe D’Souza, SDB, founder and superior of the Disciples;
– Fr Jonas Abib, SDB, founder and superior of Cancão Nova;
– Mother Teresia Furuki Ryoko, Superior General of the Sisters of Charity of Jesus;
– Sister Luigina Bellomo, Vicar General of the Apostles of the Holy Family;
– and Delegations and representations of other groups still.

After Mass and greetings, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, Rector Major, will deliver the opening speech, at the end of which the Chapter Regulator, Fr Stefano Vanoli, will officially declare the GC28 open.

Stay tuned via the ANS Facebook page.