


【慈幼通訊社 2020 05 18 梵蒂岡訊】 516日為教宗方濟各推動「願祢受讚頌週」的第一天,這是教廷促進人類全面發展部,遵從《願你受讚頌》通諭所宣報的特殊年份,由2020524日至2021524日止。


梵蒂岡促進人類全面發展部轄下生態部門的聯絡人,慈幼會士Joshtrom Kureethadam神父,在講及願祢受讚頌年時說:「在這特殊的一年,我們將會推動數個計劃。在羅馬,願祢受讚頌小堂已準備就緒,將會展開世界巡迴之旅。此外,還會進行多個跨年度計劃。例如:我們正考慮開展一個為期七年之旅,涉及不同家庭、教區、學校、大學、醫院、財經界及宗教界。一切將會根據世界的狀況,聚焦於具體而具參與性的活動上。」





“Don Bosco Green Alliance” at helm of school sector during year of Laudato Sì


(ANS VaticanVatican City, 18 May 2020) – On May 16, the first day of the “Laudato Sì Week” wanted by Pope Francis, the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development announced a Special Year dedicated to the Encyclical Laudato Sì, which will run from 24 May 2020 to 24 May 2021.

Explaining what the plans will be for this year, the Dicastery declared: “We invite everyone to join us. The urgency of the situation requires immediate, global and unitary responses, at all levels: local, regional, national, and international. Above all, we need a ‘movement of peoples‘ that starts from below, an alliance of all people of goodwill. As Pope Francis reminds us, we can all cooperate as God’s instruments for the care of Creation, each according to their own culture, experience, involvement and talents.”

Speaking to the media about the Year of Laudato Sì, Fr Joshtrom Kureethadam, SDB, Coordinator for the Ecology sector in the Vatican Dicastery, said: “In the anniversary year we will launch several projects. In Rome, the Laudato Sì chapel is almost ready, which will travel around the world. All of this, furthermore, also generates multiple multi-year projects. For example, we are thinking of starting a 7-year journey that involves families, dioceses, schools, universities, hospitals, the business world and religious orders. Everything will have to be centered on concrete and participatory action, given the situation on the planet.”

As part of the year dedicated to Laudato Sì, the “Don Bosco Green Alliance” was invited to lead the school sector. It will be a seven-year path of education for integral ecology aimed at young people. It is a matter of promoting a rethinking of educational programs and of conceiving a reform of educational institutions to create greater awareness of ecology and to think about concrete actions, promoting the ecological vocations of young people, teachers and education managers.

Seven objectives (Laudato Sì Goals) have been set for this special year which will help measure the achievement of the integral ecology proposed by Pope Francis. These objectives are: response to the cry of the Earth, response to the cry of the poor, ecological economics, adoption of simple lifestyles, ecological education, ecological spirituality, community involvement, and participatory action for the care of Creation.

The Dicastery says it is hopeful that this special Year of Laudato Sì shall be “a time of grace, a true experience of Kairos and a time of “Jubilee” for the Earth, for humanity and for all God’s creatures.”