總會長任命慈幼家庭新代理成員 Rector Major names new Delegates for Salesian Family (更新)

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【慈幼通訊社 2020 06 05 羅馬慈幼總部訊】 慈幼會總會長范達民神父,慈幼家庭的慈父暨共融中心,正式宣佈各個總會長新代理成員的名字,他們就是那些與鮑思高慈幼會士受著同一神恩所策勵的組別的總會長代理。以下是新聞內容。












慈幼家庭秘書處總會長代理Joan Lluís Playà神父;他將繼續成為鮑思高志願會(女性)及鮑思高志願會(男性)的教會助理。Joan神父自數年前在這範疇內工作時,已廣為人所認識。他在慈幼家庭神修日統籌策勵團隊,表現稱職,我們十分欣賞。


越南慈幼會Duc (Dominic) Nam Nguyen修士,將會成為鮑思高慈幼協進會及鮑思高同學會的總會長代理。阮修士熟識歐洲及意大利的文化背景,他無疑適合作為亞洲文化的參照點。在策勵慈幼家庭時,我要避免歐洲化或西方化,卻要使之更普世化,並要盡量在善用慈幼會修士聖召的特質,包括慈幼家庭策勵,尤其是這兩個團體,都以平信徒為主。


– Alejandro Guevara神父目前是母佑會西班牙塞維利亞會省的慈幼家庭代理,他將成為聖母進教之佑善會的總會長代理,負責神修策勵,首先陪伴著在都靈的最初的聖母進教之佑善會,繼而達致普世的聖母進教之佑善會。他將於華道角服務,在此進行他的策勵服務。


聖人列品案慈幼會代理人Pier Luigi Cameroni神父,也將會成為秘書處的一員,為能以其對慈幼聖德的視野及更好的理解,滋養慈幼家庭,因為我們都被召成聖。


我十分感謝這四位會士,以候命精神及慷慨之心,接受任命;我也感謝Eusebio Muñoz神父、Giuseppe Casti神父及Raphael Jayapalan神父,在過去六年,獻身於我們的慈幼家庭,提供周到的服務。我對未來數年的渴望,就是祈求整個慈幼家庭,繼續得到活潑而美妙的策勵,同時達致教會及鮑思高神恩在今天要求我們的創新及更新。






Rector Major names new Delegates for Salesian Family


(ANS – Rome–RMG, 05 June 2020) – With an official statement, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, Rector Major of the Salesian Congregation and Father and Center of Unity of the Salesian Family, communicated the names of the new Delegates of the Rector Major for those groups that foresee direct spiritual animation by the Sons of Don Bosco. Below, the text of the press release.


Dear Salesian Confreres, dear Members of the Salesian Family,


My heartfelt greetings to all of you.


After the celebration of the 28th General Chapter of the Salesians of Don Bosco, some changes are taking place in the various services of animation. One of these concerns the Secretariat of the Rector Major for the Salesian Family.


In this line I would like to notify the Salesian Family worldwide about the Delegates of the Rector Major for those groups where is required a direct spiritual animation by the Salesians of Don Bosco.


The Delegates of the Rector Major are:


–       Fr Joan Lluís Playà, Delegate of the Rector Major for the Secretariat of the Salesian Family; he will continue to be the Ecclesiastical Assistant of the VDB (Volunteers of Don Bosco) and CDB (Volunteers with Don Bosco). Fr Joan Lluís is already well known, since he worked in this field during the previous years. We also appreciated him as a good Coordinator of the Animation Team of the Spirituality Days of the Salesian Family.


–       Bro. Duc (Dominic) Nam Nguyen, Vietnamese Salesian Brother, will be the Delegate of the Rector Major for the Association of the Salesian Cooperators and the Delegate of the Rector Major for the Past Pupils of Don Bosco. Bro. Dominic has a good knowledge of the European and the Italian context and undoubtedly he is a reference point for the Asian culture. My intention is to avoid a Europeanisation or Westernization in the animation of the Salesian Family;  rather I wish to make it more universal, and also to value at the best the vocation of the Salesian Brother in its more specific characteristics, including the animation of the Salesian Family, in particular of the two groups within it composed mainly by lay people.


–       Fr Alejandro Guevara, at present the Delegate for the Salesian Family of the Province Mary Help of Christians in Seville (Spain), will be the Delegate of the Rector Major as Spiritual Animator of the Association of Mary Help of Christians, accompanying first of all the ADMA PRIMARIA in Turin and, from there, the whole Association in the Salesian world. His dwelling will be in Valdocco and from Valdocco he will carry on his service of animation.


–       Fr Pier Luigi Cameroni, Postulator General for the Causes of Saints, will also be part of the team of the Secretariat, in order to enrich the Salesian Family with the vision and better understanding of Salesian holiness, to which we are all called.


I am very grateful to these four confreres for their availability and generosity in accepting their assignments; I also thank Fr Eusebio Muñoz, Fr Giuseppe Casti and Fr Raphael Jayapalan for the dedicated and qualified service they have rendered in the previous six years to our Family. My best wishes for the years ahead, praying for the continuation of a lively and beautiful animation of the whole Salesian Family, and at the same time for the innovation and renewal that the Church and Don Bosco’s charism requires today from all of us.


Yours sincerely,


Ángel Fernández Artime, SDB

Rector Major