教宗方濟各向全代會普世慈幼會士 送上十句行動方案的句子


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【慈幼通訊社 ─ 2020 年 06月 29 日羅馬慈幼總部訊】 ─ 教宗方濟各切願出席在都靈華道角,即鮑思高神父學會如何建立真正聖德學校的地方,所舉行的第28屆慈幼會全代會。不幸因為疫情關係,他無法成行,但教宗以親自致函的方式,親臨於慈幼會士中,作為教宗對所受到的培育,表示一份親切、情感與謝意。


  1. 慶禮院的雜音。我肯定慶禮院的雜音和無休止的談話聲,會是最好及最有效的音樂,令聖神使你們會祖的神恩重燃起來。不要忽略這種背景音樂……
  2. 切莫適應流行文化,或依戀看似英勇卻是靈魂與肉身分離的過去。在這變幻的時代,我們要留意聖保祿向弟茂德說的話:「為了這個原故,我提醒你把天主藉我的覆手所賦予你的恩賜,再熾燃起來,因為天主所賜給我們的,並非怯懦之神,而是大能、愛德和慎重之神。」(弟後1:6-7)
  3. 培養默觀的態度,人們便能辨識焦點。這將有助進入與聖神同在的旅程,投身於鮑思高神子的事業,如同他一樣,發展「果敢的文化革命」(願你受讚頌通諭114)。
  4. 不要過份樂觀或悲觀,21世紀的慈幼會士,是充滿望德的人,因為他知道上主是他的中心,能更新一切(參閱默21:5)。只有這樣,才能使我們從退縮的態度及自我保護的生活拯救出來。只有這樣,才能使我們的生活豐盛(參閱2017年2月2日的講道)。
  5. 忠實地實踐神恩,比純粹對會院或活動作出的放棄、後退 或重整,更為豐盛及富激勵性;這包含在面對必須實踐的使命上,要有心態的改變。
  6. 願這份神恩得以更新。每個神恩都需要更新,並接受福音的薰陶,對你們而言,尤其是要被最貧苦的青年所更新。
  7. 我們不是為使命而受培育,卻是在實踐使命時受培育,這十分重要。我們整個生命以使命為中心,以它為優先的選項。
  8. 非神職修士的生活,是表達天主對他們無償的愛,邀請我們去保存這神恩。你們的獻身,首先是上主無償的愛的標記,而在青年中展現你們對上主無償的愛,這並不是主要以特定的牧職、功能或服務所闡明的,而是以臨在於青年中。
  9. 你們慈幼家庭的普世性臨在,是一份激勵及邀請,來保護並持守你們生活其中的、不同文化的富饒,而非設法使不同的文化相一致。
  10. 夢想著開放、結出美果並進行福傳的會院,讓上主向眾多青年,展示祂無條件的愛,也讓你們享受你們被主召叫的美妙。夢想吧……

10 programmatic sentences of Pope Francis to Salesians worldwide at General Chapter


(ANS RomeRMG, 29 June 2020) – Pope Francis really wanted to be present at the 28th General Chapter of the Salesians in Turin-Valdocco, the house where Don Bosco knew how to create a real school of holiness. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, it was not possible for him to do so, but the Holy Father made himself present anyway with a letter written in his own hand to the Salesians, as a sign of closeness, affection and gratitude for the formation received. Here are 10 sentences that still resonate as programmatic of that letter of his called “The Valdocco option”.


  1. The noise of the oratories.  I am sure that the noise and chatter of the oratories will be the best and most effective music for the Spirit to rekindle the charismatic gift of your founder. Do not shut the windows to this background noise…
  2. Neither adaptto the culture in fashion, nor take refuge in a heroic but already disembodied past. In changing times it is good to pay good attention to St Paul’s words to Timothy: “For this reason I remind you to rekindle the gift of God that is within you through the laying on of my hands; for God did not give us a spirit of cowardice, but rather a spirit of power and of love and of self-discipline” (2 Tim 1:6-7).
  3. Cultivate a contemplative attitude, one that is able to identify and discern the focal points. This will help to enter into the journey with the spirit and the contribution of Don Bosco’s sons and, like him, to develop a “bold cultural revolution” (Enc. Laudato Si’, 114).
  4. Neither a pessimist nor an optimist, the Salesians of the 21st century is a man filled with hope because he knows that his centre is the Lord who can make all things new (cf. Rev 21:5). Only this will save us from living in an attitude of resignation and defensive survival. Only this will make our lives fruitful (cf. homily, 2 February 2017).
  5. Living faithfully the charism is something richer and more stimulating than the simple abandonment, retreat or readjustment of houses or activities; it implies a change of mentalityin the face of the mission that must be carried out.
  6.  May the charism be renewed. Every charism needs to be renewed and evangelized, and in your case especially by the poorest young people.
  7. It is important to say that we are not formed forthe mission, but that we are formed in the mission.  Our whole life revolves around it, with its choices and priorities.
  8. Coadjutor Brothersare a living expression of the gratuitousness that the charism invites us to safeguard. Your consecration is, above all, a sign of the gratuitous love of the Lord, and to the Lord in his young people, which is not defined primarily by a particular ministry, function or service, but by a presence.
  9. The universal presence of your Salesian Familyis a stimulus and an invitation to guard and preserve the richness of many of the cultures in which you are immersed without trying to get them all to conform. 
  10.  Dream of open, fruitful and evangelizing housescapable of allowing the Lord to show so many young people His unconditional love and also allowing you to enjoy the beauty to which you have been called. Dream