【慈幼通訊社 ─ 2020 年 07月 03日羅馬慈幼總部訊】 ─ 中華殉道聖人瞻禮(7月9日)—— 聖趙榮及同伴 —— 即將來臨。我們慶祝在1633年至1930年間殉道的120位殉道聖人的瞻禮。這是一個良好的契機,去更好的認識這個繼菲律賓及印度之後,亞洲第三大天主教團體的歷史及現況。同時這也是一個機會,讓我們為活在這個世界人口最多的國家,那些在耶穌基督內兄弟姊妹的需要與挑戰祈禱。
- 德國:聖言會研究中心——中國中心
- 德國:中國中心:電子期刊(英文、德文及中文版本)
- 香港聖神研究中心
- 香港:聖神研究中心——「鼎」刊物
- 聖神研究中心:神州橋樑——更深入的理解中國教會
- 亞洲新聞:中國天主教會新聞(意大利文、英文、西班牙文及中文版本)
- 天主教亞洲通訊社(天亞社)
- 普世使命資料中心
- 聖神研究中心——中國天主教教區
- 天主教徒佔人口0.46%;基督新教徒佔2.06%;回教徒佔0.50%;佛教徒佔8.96%;無宗教信仰者佔87.1%。
- 統計資料把「公開」宗教信徒(官方註冊)及非註冊信徒分開列出
- 佛教:34,100個註冊宗教活動場所;222,000名僧侶及尼姑;41所佛教學院
- 道教:8,349個註冊宗教活動場所;40,000名道士;10所道教學院
- 回教:35,000個註冊場所(清真寺);57,000修道人及10所可蘭經學院
- 基督新教:60,000所教堂(崇拜場所);14,000名牧師;28,000名傳道員或57,000名侍奉者;22所神學院
- 信徒:一千萬(比十年前減少了二百萬,減少趨勢迅速);六百萬名官方教會組織成員
- 成人領洗:每年40,000至50,000;晉鐸:在2019年,共48名執事晉升鐸品(歷年最少)
- 教區:96或98個(根據官方教會數字);146個教會地區(1950年天主教聖統制)——有40個教區沒有主教
- 主教:78位在職主教——62名在官方教會;16名在非官方教會(包括已退休主教合共100名)
- 司鐸:4,950名(包括官方及非官方註冊神職人員)
- 修院:12所大修院——470名修生(6所官方教會修院共370名修生;6所非官方修院共100名修生)
- 女修道者:4630名修女(3270名在官方教會的87個教區修會;1360名在地下教會的40個修會):6000所聖堂及祈禱所
Statistics on Religions and Churches in China
Upcoming feast of 120 Holy Chinese Martyrs
(ANS – Rome–RMG, 03 July 2020) – The liturgical feast of China’s Catholic Martyrs (July 9) – St. Augustin Zhao and Companions – is coming soon. We celebrate the 120 Catholic canonized martyrs killed between 1633 and 1930. This is a good occasion to know a little bit more the history and present of the third largest Catholic community in Asia – after the Philippines and India. This is also a good inspiration to pray for the current needs and challenges of our brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ who are living in the most populous country in the world.
How can you pray for somebody, whom you don’t know well?
Here is a short list of the main Catholic research centres and news agencies that can help you to pray better on a daily basis with many stories.
Germany: SVD Research Center – China Zentrum
Germany: China Zentrum: E-Journal in English, German, Chinese
Hong Kong Holy Spirit Study Center
Hong Kong: Holy Spirit Study Center – Tripod magazine
China Bridge – deeper insights in to China Church
Asia New: news on China Catholic Church (ITA,ENG,ESP,CIN)
UCANEWS (Union of Catholic Asia News)
SEDOS (Documentation center about global mission)
Some basic data about the Catholic Church in China (cf. Official statistics 2019, by China Zentrum, SVD – Germany, May 2020)
- Catholics are 0.46% of population, Protestants 2.06%, Islam 0.50% and Buddhists 8.96% vs. Without religious faith 87.1%
- Statistics distinguish the ‘open’ religious adherents (officially registered) and non registered adherents
- Buddhists: 34,100 registered sites for religious activities, 222,000 Buddhist monks and nuns; 41 Buddhist academies
- Daoism: 8,349 registered sites for religious activities, 40,000 religious personnel, 10 Daoist academies
- Islam: 35.000 registered sites (mosques), 57,000 religious personnel and 10 Qur’an institutes
- Protestants: 60,000 churches (places of worship), 14,000 pastors, 28,000 preachers or 57.000 relig.personnel, 22 seminaries
Catholics in PRC (People’s Republic of China)
- Faithful: 10 million (two millions less than 10 years ago; fast diminishing trend), 6 million members of official Church bodies
- Adult baptism: 40,000-50,000 every year,Priestly ordination: 48 deacons ordained priests in 2019 (lowest number in years)
- Dioceses: 96 or 98 according the official church, 146 ecclesiastic regions (Catholic hierarchy in 1950) – 40 dioceses without bishop
- Bishops: 78 active (in office) – 62 in the official church and 16 in the non-official church (total 100 – including the retired bishops)
- Priests: 4,950 (both official and non-registered clergy)
- Seminaries: 12 major seminaries – 470 seminarians (6 – official church, 370 students and 6 unofficial church; 100 students)
- Sisters relig: 4630 Sisters (3270 in official Church, 87 diocesan congregations; 1360 in underground Church – 40 congregations) Churches: 6000 churches and oratories
Catholics in Hong Kong (SAR)
403,000 Catholics (local population) + 183,000 Filipinos/Filipinas and 34,000 other foreign Catholics
After the invitation of Pope Francis to pray for the China Catholic community (prayer intention for March 2020), also two days ago the president of FABC (Federation of Asian Bishops Conferences) Card. Charles Bo, SDB requested all Asia Bishops to pray for Hong Kong and for the whole of China:
Asia’s top cardinal says Hong Kong security law puts religious liberty at risk