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【慈幼通訊社 ─ 2020 年 09月 11 日香港訊】 ─ 「協青社」(YO)是香港有名的非牟利機構,專為在危機中的青年服務。「協青社」於1991年,在香港市民的經濟及福利機構的支持下,由慈幼會士李文烈神父,聯同一個平信徒小組一起創立。多年來,該機構的體制,已在目前的總部內建構整合起來:在西灣河一座十五層樓高的大廈內,有逾百名員工服務。這裡的支援服務是為處於危機中的青年提供,一星期七天,每天24小時的疪護。


協青社的服務及活動,已輯錄在一段簡介影片中,可於該機構的YouTube頻道中收看。在影片中,可一覽該座大樓,認識在那裡服務的社工,看到危機防治中心、宿舍、Hip Hop舞蹈學校、青年發展計劃、心理服務及義工服務等。在影片為大家導覽的「阿斌」,是一位Hip Hop舞蹈老師,他在送來YO之前,是一名街童。




 “Youth Outreach”: loving what young people love


(ANS Hong Kong, 11 September 2020) – “Youth Outreach” (YO) is a non-profit organization well known in Hong Kong for its work dedicated to young people at risk. It was founded in 1991 by Fr Peter Newberry, a Salesian, together with a group of lay people and thanks to the economic and institutional support of the citizens of Hong Kong. Over the years, the organization has consolidated and established itself in its current headquarters: a 15-storey building in the Sai Wan Ho area, where more than 100 employees work. Here, support is given to young people at risk, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Recently, Fr Newberry said that “Youth Outreach” has received a large grant from the “Jockey Club Charities Trust” of Hong Kong, which will last four years and which will be used to launch a project called “Reaching the Unreachable”, a program for the mental health care of young people at risk and their families.

Youth Outreach services and activities have now been described and summarized in a video, visible on the organization’s YouTube channel. In the video, it is possible to virtually visit the building, get to know the social workers who work there and see the crisis prevention center, the housing, the Hip Hop school, the youth employment program, the psychological services and volunteering and much more. Leading the viewer on this virtual tour is “Bun”, a Hip Hop teacher, who arrived in YO after being a street kid himself.

The name “Youth Outreach” takes on a very particular meaning if you read it in Chinese, in which it is composed of three ideograms: 協 青 社. The second of these ideograms means “youth or green” and its central position between the other two is emblematic. The first means “aid”, while the latter “society”. This creates the evocative image of a society that helps the most disadvantaged young people, that supports and cares for them.

The video, which offers good inspiration for any Salesian urban environment, is available here