慈幼會社會傳播2020 — 南亞及東亞澳區聯合會議揭幕Salesian Social Communication 2020 – Joint meeting of South Asia & East Asia Oceania regions inaugurated


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【慈幼通訊社 ─ 2020 年 11月 09 日印度孟買訊】 ─ 由南亞及東亞澳區「鮑思高家庭通訊」編輯、出版人及電台長共同參與,為期四天的社會傳播聯合線上會議,於2020年11月5日由總部社會傳播議員Gildásio Mendes dos Santos神父揭幕。

會議由Mendes dos Santos神父召開及主持,橫跨七個時區,並得到兩個地區的社會傳播代表,Ernest Rosario神父及Peter Chinh神父的協助。這場歷史性的會議,共有35名來自這兩個地區的媒體工作者參與。

總部社會傳播議員引用鮑思高的話說:「我們需要與時並進。」他在開幕辭中,表達了對鮑思高慈幼會未來六年傳媒牧民工作的願景,以及為達成這個願景,所建議的方法論。他在簡述這四天會議的程序時,特別感謝兩個地區的議員,Biju Michael神父(南亞區)及阮盛福神父(東亞澳洲區),他們對會議的支持及參與,以及這兩個地區的所有省會長,他們的鼓勵與合作。他也特別感謝前任Filiberto González岡薩雷斯神父,在過去多年來在社會傳播所作出的無比的貢獻。


這一天的主要議程,為「慈幼會社會傳播框架」的演說。由安博神父(巴布亞新畿內亞所羅門群島)、Peter Chinh神父(越南)、Bastin Nellissery神父(INK)及Francis Xavier神父(INP)發表。演說過後,與會者分成四組,討論這文件中有待加強增添的內容。

會議餘下數天,與會者有機會探討以下內容,例如羅馬慈幼宗座大學社會傳播科學系Peter Gonsalves神父的「傳播神學——慈幼會的角度」、總部社會傳播議員Mendes dos Santos神父的「慈幼聖事的臨在」及「傳播方法學——以GC28為基礎」。



Salesian Social Communication 2020 – Joint meeting of South Asia & East Asia Oceania regions inaugurated


(ANS India Mumbai, 09 November 2020) – A four-day long joint virtual meeting of the Social Communication Delegates, Bulletin Editors, Publishers and Radio Directors of South Asia and East Asia was inaugurated on 5 November 2020 by Rev. Gildásio Mendes dos Santos, General Councillor for Social Communication.

The meeting, which is stretched across around seven time zones, is convened and chaired by Rev. Fr. Mendes dos Santos, and coordinated by the two regional delegates Fr. Ernest Rosario (SA) and Fr. Peter Chinh (EAO). In this historical joint meeting, there were 35 Salesian media personnel from the two regions of SA and EAO.

“We need to walk with the times,” said the General Councillor for Social Communication quoting Don Bosco. In his opening address, he presented his vision for the media ministry of the Salesians of Don Bosco for the next six years and proposed the methodology to fulfill the same. While briefing about the schedule for the four-day program he specially thanked the two regional councillors Fr. Biju Michael (South Asia) and Fr. Joseph Thinh (East Asia – Oceania) for their support and accompaniment and all the Provincials of these regions for their encouragement and collaboration. He also placed on record his gratitude to his predecessor Fr. Filiberto González for his valuable contribution to this sector of Social Communication in the past years.

Fr. Joseph Thinh, in his address, underlined the important role of media and its impact on the young in today’s context. He stressed the importance of accompanying them in this new virtual reality.

The main agenda of the day was the presentation of ‘‘Instrumentum Laboris (Salesian Social Communication framework)’’. It was well presented by Fr. Ambrose Pereira (PGS), Fr. Peter Chinh (Vietnam), Fr. Bastin Nellissery (INK), and Fr. Francis Xavier (INP). Following the presentation, the participants were divided into four groups to discuss possible additions and enhancements to the document.

On the rest of the days, participants had chance to explore topics such as ‘‘Communication Theology – a Salesian Perspective’’ by Fr. Peter Gonsalves, Faculty of Social Communication Sciences, UPS, Rome; ‘‘Salesian Sacrament of Presence’’ and ‘‘Methodology in Communication – based on GC28’’ by Fr. Mendes dos Santos, General Councillor for Social Communication.

This opportunity for a joint virtual meeting has opened the doors for future collaboration and networking.