親愛的會士兄弟:「鮑思高等待著我們展開屬神和內心的旅程。」Dear Confreres, “Don Bosco is waiting for us to make a journey, a spiritual and interior journey”


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【慈幼通訊社 ─ 2020 年 11月 06 日羅馬慈幼總部訊】 ─ 從今天開始,「親愛的會士兄弟」條目下的新影片,即是總會長范達民神父在華道角錄製的影片,可於網上收看。鮑思高的繼任人向慈幼家庭表示,這座於10月4日重啟大門的鮑思高故居博物館,「使我們能深入而真實地體驗慈幼生活,讓我們親手接觸鮑思高的真實歷史:他的夢想、他的現實、他的信德、他的困難。」


這樣,自首批受派遣的傳教士,所展開的征途,他們不間斷地把慈幼神恩帶給普世,由Valparaiso 到北京,直到今天。




Dear Confreres, “Don Bosco is waiting for us to make a journey, a spiritual and interior journey”


(ANS RomeRMG, 06 November 2020) – From today the new video of the “Dear Confreres” column, which the Rector Major, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, recorded in Valdocco is available online. Don Bosco’s Successor speaks to the Salesian Family from the Don Bosco House Museum, a place that reopened its doors on 4 October “to offer us a profound and true experience of Salesianity, which will allow us to touch the true history of Don Bosco with our hands: his dreams, his reality, his faith, his problems.”

From Valdocco, the Rector Major traces the Salesian history, rich and profound, which also has as protagonists many young people who have chosen to live “a holy life” and to serve others, following the example of Don Bosco.

And then the missionaries, who since the day of the first expedition have never stopped bringing the Salesian charism to the world, reaching today from Valparaíso to Beijing.

“It is here, dear confreres, that Don Bosco is waiting for us to make a journey,” the Rector Major recalls, “a spiritual and interior journey to touch – up close – the same experience he lived.”

The complete video of the “Dear Confreres” is available in the various language channels of ANSChannel and on the sdb.org site.