
20210914 Italy-1


【慈幼通訊社 ─ 2021 年09月 14 日意大利羅馬訊】 ─  總會長范達民神父,趁著奉獻於歐培拉神父(鮑思高神父第二位繼承人)的這一年,在他逝世百周年的那天(都靈華道谷,1921年10月29日),由慈幼歷史學院(ISS)及慈幼宗座大學(UPS),舉行有關歐培拉神父的國際會議,讓人們重新深入認識他的本人及其遺產。會議定於2021年10月30至31日,在慈幼宗座大學總部舉行,將有現場直播,並附有英文傳譯。

會議將於星期六下午二時(UTC + 2)開始,由副總會長Stefano Martoglio神父致問候辭,接著由主持人,慈幼歷史學院成員Francesco Motto神父進行簡介。

簡介過後,將會由慈幼歷史學院成員,包括Thomas Anchukandam神父(慈幼歷史學院負責人)、Stanislav Zimniak神父、Francesco Motto神父、母佑會Grazia Loparco修女(母佑會大學教授)及Ariel Fresia修士,闡述歐培拉神父生活及工作的不同層面:他們將會分析他的生活背景、傳授神恩的貢獻、會長任期時修會的發展、與母佑會的關係、美洲福傳事業的發展等等。

在有關歐培拉神父經歷第一次世界大戰苦況的深入探討後,第一天將會以討論會結束,並由培育議員Ivo Coelho神父作出總結。

會議第二天同樣於下午二時開始(UTC + 1,回復冬令時間),一些新進的權威性學者,將深入講解其他有關他在修會及慈幼家庭歷史中的一些基本特質:Joe Boenzi神父(美國柏克萊道明會神哲學院教授)主講歐培拉神父作為培育者及神修道師的特質;Aldo Giraudo神父(UPS教授)主講歐培拉神父的導師手冊;母佑會Eliane Petri修女(母佑會大學)主講歐培拉神父對母佑會學院培育上的貢獻;J. Pudumai Doss神父(加拿大渥太華聖保祿大學講師)主講歐培拉神父與聖教法典的第一法規;Giovenale Dotta(CSI,羅馬Giuseppino中央檔案室)主講鮑思高家庭通訊中歐培拉神父的形象;慈幼會Paolo Vaschetto修士(UPS)主講這位鮑思高第二任繼承人的相片;最後,Petr Zelinka神父(慈幼會中央檔案室)主講有關歐培拉神父的資料。

在討論會過後,將由羅馬第三大學榮休教授,歷史學者Andrea Riccardi作出總結,並由UPS Magnificus院長Andrea Bozzolo神父作最後致謝。


International Conference on Fr Paolo Albera

(ANS – Italy – Rome , 14 September 2021) – On the occasion of the year that the Rector Major, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, has dedicated to Fr Paolo Albera – Don Bosco’s second Successor at the head of the Congregation – on the first centenary of his death (Turin-Valdocco, 29 October 1921), the Salesian Historical Institute (ISS) and the Salesian Pontifical University (UPS) have organized an international conference dedicated to rediscovering and deepening the figure and legacy of Albera. The conference is scheduled on 30-31 October 2021 at the UPS headquarters and will feature live streaming and translations into English.

The sessions shall start in the early afternoon of Saturday (2:00 pm – UTC + 2) with the greetings of the Vicar of the Rector Major, Fr Stefano Martoglio, followed by the introduction of the coordinator, Fr Francesco Motto, member of the ISS.

Subsequently Fr Thomas Anchukandam (ISS Director), Fr Stanislav ZimniakFr Francesco Motto, Sister Grazia Loparco FMA, professor at the “Auxilium” Faculty, and Bro. Ariel Fresia – all members of the ISS -, shall illustrate different facets of Fr Albera’s life and work: they will analyze the contexts in which he lived, his commitment to transmit the charism, the development of the Congregation during his rectorate, the relationship with the FMA, the growth of the missions in America, and much more.

After an in-depth study on Fr Paolo Albera in the difficult context of the First World War, the first day will end with an assembly debate and a conclusino by Fr Ivo Coelho, General Councilor for Formation.

On the second day of the conference, which will also open at 2 pm (UTC + 1, with the return to solar time), new authoritative scholars will deepen other relevant aspects concerning this fundamental character in the history of the Congregation and the Salesian Family: Fr Joe Boenzi, (professor at the Dominican School of Philosophy & Theology in Berkeley United States), will speak about Father Albera as a formator and Spiritual Director; Fr Aldo Giraudo (Professor at UPS), of his Director’s Manual; Sister Eliane Petri FMA (of Auxilium), of the formative contribution offered to the FMA Institute; Fr J. Pudumai Doss (lecturer at “St. Paul’s University” of Ottawa – Canada), on Fr Albera and the First Code of Canon Law; Giovenale Dotta, CSI, (of the Giuseppino Central Archives of Rome), of the image of Fr Albera in the Salesian BulletinBro. Paolo Vaschetto, SDB, (of UPS), of the photographs relating to the Second Successor of Don Bosco; finally, Fr Petr Zelinka (from the Salesian Central Archives), will deal with the sources about Fr Albera.

After the usual debate, the conclusions will be entrusted to the historian Andrea Riccardi, professor emeritus of the “Roma Tre” University, with final greetings from Fr Andrea Bozzolo, Rector Magnificus of the UPS.

For more information, monitor the websites: www.unisal.it and http://iss.sdb.org