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【慈幼通訊社 ─ 2020 年 06月 23 日意大利羅馬訊】 ─ 明天 2020年6月24日,是嘉祿‧賈思第宜階同慈幼慶禮院的其他青年,在150前的這一天,聖若翰洗者的瞻禮,向鮑思高神父送上咖啡杯,感謝他的教導。這一個隆重的周年紀念,是慈幼家庭成員的鮑思高同學會,反省他們在教會及社會使命的時刻,同時也藉著這個契機,開展他們的多項計劃。


全球鮑思高同學聯合會主席Michael Hort,數天前分享了他的一些思想:










– 為記念嘉祿‧賈思第宜而出版一本刊物,及豎立一座紀念像;

– 出版一本有關舊同學暨真福馬唯理的刊物;

– 出版一本有關舊同學中150位著名人士的刊物;

– 出版一本有關舊同學會150項事業的刊物,為使人們知道這些事業,並作為參考;

– 一隻印有150周年標誌的咖啡杯:包括製作150個特別禮物包,內有一包由「DI BOSCo——舊同學咖啡」計劃所生產的咖啡,售賣所得的款項,將捐助美洲、非洲及亞洲的舊同學教育及社會計劃。詳情請電郵至tazzine150@exallievi.org查詢。


Hort 先生總結時說:「對舊同學來說,活在這特別的時刻,並看到鮑思高的神夢,如何在今天實現,是一份祝福。」


Reflection and many projects for Don Bosco Past Pupils on 150th anniversary


(ANS – Italy–Rome, 23 June 2020) – Tomorrow, June 24, 2020, it will be exactly 150 years since Carlo Gastini, together with other young people from the Salesian Oratory, delivered coffee cups to Don Bosco as a thank you for the education received and on the occasion of the feast day of St. John the Baptist. The solemn anniversary is both an occasion for a profound reflection on the meaning of the mission of Don Bosco’s Past Pupil in the Salesian Family in the Church and in society today, and opportunities for launching numerous initiatives.

A few days ago Michael Hort, the President of the World Confederation of Past Pupils of Don Bosco, shared his thoughts:

I am often asked how the Past Pupils belong to the Salesian Family. When we were students or lived at Salesian schools and works, we were the ones who were trained and educated. From the moment we leave these environments and become Past Pupils, we have to look for a way to remain close to Don Bosco and contribute, in our lives, to making this “circle” of the Salesian Family grow more and more.

I see that this is of huge importance for the Past Pupils – developing their sense of professionalism and competence and testifying in everyday life and our society, even on the smallest occasions, to our motto that is also the title of this year’s Strenna: “being good Christians and upright citizens”. I am convinced that it is our vocation to struggle openly, publicly, against injustice, superficiality, indifference. Our professionalism allows us to be present at various levels in public life, as well as in personal life, to bear witness to the importance and meaning of being Don Bosco’s children.

Dear members of the Salesian Family, we feel that you are an important part of our life as tutors, teachers, educators, mentors and spiritual guides…. Please remember these words: we need you, your heart, your prayers, your example and your company. At the same time, we offer you our professional skills and talents to support your service together with ours. I ask you to use our offer to help us better live out our vocation and our mission as Past Pupils. I am convinced that we all have a mutual need.

Because of this solemn anniversary, the Confederation has also planned several special initiatives:
– a book and a statue dedicated to Carlo Gastini;
– a book on the past pupil of Don Bosco and Blessed, Alberto Marvelli;
– a publication on 150 prominent figures among the Past Pupils;
– a publication on 150 projects and initiatives of the Past Pupils who deserve to be known to inspire others;
– the coffee cups with a 150th anniversary logo: 150 special and exclusive gift packs, accompanied by a pack of coffee from the project “DI BOSCo – Coffee of Past Pupils”, the sale of which will serve to support the educational and social projects of the Past Pupils in America, Africa and Asia. For further information, write to tazzine150@exallievi.org

Mr. Hort concludes: “For the Past Pupils it is a blessing to be alive at this special time and to be able to see how Don Bosco’s dreams are being realized every day.”